Sunday, October 7, 2007

Durban, South Africa

Chris on beach at Durban, South Africa
** Sydney to Africa, via Mauritius **
Flying with Air Mauritius to Africa, I enjoyed a free overnight stay ina luxurybeachside resort with some fine dining and an oversized bubble bath!Pity I knew this would be a stark contrast to the rest of my trip.
** Durban **
I arrived to Durban and got my first 'taste' of South Africa, a place ofdiffering standards for those with or without opportunity. I exploredthecity and beach on foot during the day (as is was unsafe to do so atnight) and also tried the watch a game of World Cup 20/20 Cricket, butunfortunately it was rained out.
** Drakensburg hiking **
I then set off in the local jam-packed minibuses for the DrakensburgMountains. Here I ventured out on a solo 5 day hike in the mountainrange,where an impressive cliff-faced escarpment that reaches an altitude of3500m and forms a natural border between South Africa and Lesotho. Istarted in South Africa and ascended through the escarpment, passing bymany impressive rock formations. I then travelled along the undulatingtops, bumping into a few Lesotho shepherds who were dressed in blankets(Ialso had to watch out for a few bandits who had recently been stoningpeople, but luckily I didn’t see them). Coming back down, I spent a daywalking along the grassy rolling hills below the escarpment beforeheading out to see some ancient cave paintings of various animals. I wasalso lucky to stay in a couple of characteristic hostels that hadthatched roofs, a resident bat inside and excellent views.
** Johannesburg **
I eventually made it to J’burg at night time and was taken through thedowntown area where I was not to get out of the minibus. I waspicked up by a friend, Colin, who took me to his family's home in asecuredand fortified suburb. We enjoyed a mountain bike ride throughJohannesburg Botanical Gardens and a great family 'brai' (barbeque)out by the pool in their backyard.
** Kruger National Park **
Next stop was the famous Kruger National Park. Here I stayed with myfriend Leanne who lived in Marloth Park, a reserve right beside Kruger.Arriving to her place, there were zebras, impalas and warthogs roamingaround!I joined a guided day-tour and was amazed by how many animals we saw,including giraffe, elephants, lions, rhinos, hippos, wildebeests andmanybirds. It was simply amazing to see these animals in their naturalhabitat and they weren't scared of the numerous cars. I also joined anight tour where you use big spotlights to find the animals. That nightspotting a hyena running along, and number rhinos. After a big night inthe local pub with Leanne, I went on a morning drive where we cameacross the more elusive leopards and cheetahs!

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