Maputo fish market

Sunrise at Vilankulo, over the Indian Ocean
Fishing at Vilankulo
Banguara Island, near Vilankulo and the local 'dhow' I sailed on
** Maputo, Mozambique **
Moving on, I went across the border to Maputo, Mozambique. I’d arrangeda lift with one of Leanne's friends, and we had a big night out in afew classy and not so classy pubs. It was interesting to see how some'white' South Africans view the racial divide. I didn't think much ofMaputo, except for the nice seaside location, and headed up north toTofo.
** Tofo & Vilankulo **
In Tofo I camped for a few nights beside the beach at this idyllicseaside small town. The highlight was going for a snorkel with the whalesharks that swim the nearby waters eating up the abundant plankton. Itwas just awesome to swim with these 7-9 metre long fish as theyleisurely feast along.
Moving up the coast a bit further, I arrived to Vilankulo, anothersmallish town set on a beautiful beach. I again camped near the beachseeing some brilliant sunrises over the beach at low-tide that isinterspersed with the local 'dhow' sailing boats at anchor. I arranged atrip out to the nearby islands on one of the 'dhow' sail boats with afew local fishermen. Arriving to the sands of the island was excellent,where I went swimming in a gorgeous lagoon and snorkelled with sometropical fish. I also spent a morning fishing with the fisherman justoff the coast, unfortunately our catch was lots of undersized fish, butstill worth keeping and eating (as I later found out).
I hope to head to Zimbabwe tomorrow, but more on that later...
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